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State Senator Mike Brubaker will not seek re-election

Republican State Senator Mike Brubaker says he will not seek a third term in the Pennsylvania Senate.  Senator Brubaker represents the 36th District in Lancaste...

Republican State Senator Mike Brubaker says he will not seek a third term in the Pennsylvania Senate.  Senator Brubaker represents the 36th District in Lancaster and Chester counties. He cited his desire to spend more time with his family and explore new private sector opportunities as his reason for not seeking re-election.

In making his announcement, Senator Brubaker issued the following statement:

“Over the years, the people of Lancaster and Chester Counties have humbled and honored me with their tremendous confidence and support. Whether it was during my ten years as an elected township supervisor or two terms in the state Senate, my wife Cindy and I have taken seriously the time, attention and responsibility that comes with public service.  Now it is time to re-invest and focus my time and attention to the family that has endured a great deal in their unwavering support of my public life.

By making this announcement now, it is my intent to give the people of the 36th district the time they deserve to effectively go through the process of choosing a new Senator who will stand for nomination in May of 2014 and election in November of that year.

When I was first elected to the Senate, Cindy and I had decided, with the voter’s support, I would serve either two or three terms.  While I make this announcement now in the best interest of the election process, I want to assure my constituents, whom I serve, I will remain fully engaged as this General Assembly addresses the serious challenges we face, particularly in my role as Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and as an advocate and voice for the people of my district and this Commonwealth.

It has been my privilege to dedicate my time and service to promote a strong, sustainable and safe food supply, enhanced workforce development, advocate for government reform and address the serious financial issues we face as a state.  I could have never done it alone.  In addition to my family’s support, I will always be grateful for the cooperation and friendships of my Republican and Democrat colleagues and the incredible, hardworking staff who have worked tirelessly for all the constituents of the 36th Senatorial District.

This experience has been life-changing in a positive way and for that I am forever grateful.”

In the  state senate, Senator Brubaker serves as Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.  He is also former Chairman of the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.

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