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Lead Testing Legislation

Harrisburg, Pa. – Legislators are discussing three bills that deal with lead testing in the state. The first bill would require children under 6 to be tes...

Harrisburg, Pa. - Legislators are discussing three bills that deal with lead testing in the state. The first bill would require children under 6 to be tested for high levels of lead in their blood, and the second calls for more frequent water tests. The third bill requires a lead inspection for homes built before 1978. That inspection would happen when the current owners move out. Representative Angel Cruz sayd this Legislation is critical to kids' well-being.

"Tragedy in Flint has shown us we must be working to increase testing, not decreasing," said Cruz. "The damage of lead poisoning is revisable and terminal to all the children under the age of six. By requiring testing, we can potentially find the problems that have been long lasting in the health that affects our children."

Cruz says parents have a responsibility to protect their children, but can only do so if they're informed about certain problems.

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