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School has to fill financial gap created by budget impasse

YORK, Pa. — A private school in York County is trying to close a budget gap caused by the state budget impasse. Logos Academy in York gave out $1.5 millio...

YORK, Pa. -- A private school in York County is trying to close a budget gap caused by the state budget impasse.
Logos Academy in York gave out $1.5 million in scholarships, but were only given about half that amount back in state tax credit donations. They now have to make up for $800,000.
The school gets its scholarship funding from businesses through tax credit programs.
Rev. Aaron Anderson, the head of Logos Academy, said,"It's a win-win for the community because it allows businesses to keep their dollars local and then we use them to create pretty significant scholarships for students that otherwise wouldn't be able to afford Logos Academy." The state grants award letters to those businesses, but because of the budget impasse, they withheld them until Christmas Eve of last year. Businesses got frustrated in the process.
"Some companies just decided not to participate just out of exasperation," Anderson said.
He said the school gives out scholarships to about 98 percent of its students.
"A budget passing doesn't fix that, those scholarships have already been granted and if those funds aren't there, then we're having to make up those funds right now," Anderson said.
Parents said they hope the community helps fill that financial gap.
Ruth Velez, a grandmother of a student, said, "I was praying and hoping that they get all the fund that they need and I hope that people touch their heart and come and help with whatever they can."
Anderson said he just hopes this doesn't happen again in the future.
"Let's not repeat this this year. We have an opportunity to start over. I know everyone has different objectives and different obstacles, but let's not hurt non-profits who are serving our community, hurt kids in the process by playing that blame game," he said.
The school launched a 100-day campaign to try to raise the money by June 30.
To donate, go to http://www.logosyork.org/support-menu-item


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